FAQ – Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

General FAQ
FAQ about Hemangiosarcoma
Why and When is a biopsy necessary?
Liquid Biopsy: definition, research and when to use

Reagents and Scientific Resources

Reagents are available for distribution with suitable Materials Transfer Agreements, Bioreagents Sharing Agreements, and other collaborative arrangements. All Materials Transfer Agreements are subject to approval by the University of Minnesota and subject to the laws and restrictions of the State of Minnesota.

Cell lines

Cell lines derived in the Modiano Lab are available through Kerafast (visit site).


Constructs and other molecular resources developed in the Modiano Lab are available through Addgene (visit site).

Sequence information

For sequence information and GEO accession codes, please contact lab@modianolab.org
(If this link does not take you directly to a new mail window in your email app, please copy the address manually into the TO: field of a new email.)


For methods and protocols, please contact lab@modianolab.org
(If this link does not take you directly to a new mail window in your email app, please copy the address manually into the TO: field of a new email.)